One evening... during one of their absurdly long and legendary conversations.. Ronit finds Shane extremely agitated.. in a fuss.. losing his already many times long lost infamous temper at every little thing.. more so than usual.. .... Reason - Shane wants to download.. in a hurry... a BIG BIG hurry,. but it is a good 40 minutes before he reaches home.. Ronit (face muscles aching trying to stop the laughter) manages to console Shane.. telling him to be a Man .. that he can handle it.. and so on .. and so forth.. till finally Shane reaches.. no.. runs home.. but hey.. what is this?? Ronit is rewarded with a fabulously new set of exotic sounding, fanciful swear words from Shane.. Ronit painfully manages to make some sense of what Shane is softly screaming (he cant scream out loud.. he wants to download remember?) and understands then tragedy that is confronting poor Shane - the door is locked and parents cannot be contacted..... So Near... Yet.. .. Sooo far.... The short path between the main gate to the front door is trampled as if a hundred elephants have been pumping iron by the now desperately desperate Shane, hoping to see his parents arriving.. Oh.. what to do in such a situation? Cant knock at the snooty neighboring bungalow door.. to ask the hoity toity lady.. May I use your washroom please?? Shane is now beyond speech.. rather beyond anything.. Ronit is equally desperate.. he is dying to laugh.. but dare not, for fear that Shane shall surely and slowly murder him for it... Mercifully for Ronit, Shane disconnects the phone.. calling back after about a good 40 minutes.. to tell Ronit that his parents arrived just in time.. just as Shane was about to permanently freeze into an exotically twisted looking garden statue...

Oh the miseries of untimely downloads can only be felt.. they cannot be told!!!!